Epic Games releases Battle Breakers on mobile and PC

Epic Games
Epic Games

Epic Games has released Battle Breakers on iOS, Android and PC with cross-save functionality between PC and mobile. It is a turn-based RPG hero collector.

Seemingly out of nowhere, with no warning, Epic Games released Battle Breakers yesterday on Android, iOS and PC.

Battle Breakers is a turn-based, action RPG that’s free-to-play on Android, iOS and PC via the Epic Games Store. There’s also cross-save between PC and mobile, so you’ll be able to play your account and keep your progress if you want to switch between the two. The best way I can describe Battle Breakers is that a 1980s/early 90s Saturday morning action cartoon threw up on a hero collector game. From the guitar riffs to the cheesy jokes, that’s totally the feel this game is going for.

In Battle Breakers, you assemble a team of heroes (just like other mobile games like Marvel Strike Force), level them up, upgrade their gear and skills, and take them into battle. The world map of Battle Breakers features tons of levels, each with 1, 2 and 3-star difficulties. There are also special dungeons and bosses to take on.

Combat has you tapping on crystals to reveal a beneficial item, gold or an enemy to fight as you create a path to the portal that takes you to the next section of that stage. When you encounter an enemy or boss, you’ll tap on the hero you want to attack them with, taking into consideration the element type of your hero and the enemy. You can also swipe up on your hero to unleash their special skill. Some dungeons you enter have wrinkles thrown in, like completing the dungeon within 30 turns.

Battle Breakers 2
Epic Games

In true Epic Games fashion, there’s a Battle Pass, which is the new normal for every game. It’s $5 for the season and offers upgrades, currency and heroes as you progress through the Battle Pass. I’m still early on in the game (just unlocked the fifth area in the world map), so nothing has been too challenging yet. I’m excited to see how the game opens up later on and experiment with team comps as my stable of heroes grows.

Also, since this is made by Epic Games, we already see some collaboration between Fortnite and Battle Breakers. Cuddle Team Commander is available in the Battle Breakers shop, though I don’t quite have the currency to purchase her yet, and she’s only there for two more days. Odds are we’ll see more crossovers moving forward.

Battle Breakers was announced onstage with Google at GDC back in February 2017. Since TwitchCon in October 2017, the Battle Breakers Twitter account has been silent. The Battle Breakers subreddit was a ghost town with the occasional post of “is this game coming out?” That said, there has been more discussion on the Battle Breakers Discord server. The game was soft launched in New Zealand and a couple of other countries, and I honestly didn’t think it’d ever get a worldwide release. Luckily, a small team at Epic has been working on the product for launch.

Let us know how you’re liking Battle Breakers on Twitter or in the comments below.