Early access to Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 officially launched today for those who purchased the Gold or Ultimate Edition of the game. Check out The Division 2’s complicated release schedule.
While Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 has an official release date of March 15, Ubisoft – like so many other publishers – is rolling with a complicated release schedule that sees early access to the highly anticipated sequel contingent on what edition of the game you purchased and where you live in the world.
Ubisoft Massive officially launched The Division 2‘s servers earlier today, celebrating with a photo on Twitter, while noting this only applied to “early access.” Yes, like BioWare’s Anthem, Ubisoft has also decided to go with a needlessly complicated release schedule for The Division 2.
It’s so complicated that Ubisoft has actually created multiple images to explain this the release schedule. Boy, do I miss the days of just being able to play a game on its intended launch day and not having to buy some more-expensive version of the game in order to satisfy the FOMO.
And we’re live! #amassivelife #thedivision2 #thedivision #releaseweek #earlyaccess pic.twitter.com/nb3i88JoAa
— Massive Entertainment - A Ubisoft Studio 🎮 (@UbiMassive) March 11, 2019
The official Twitter account for the game followed up with another post that this is early access “in some regions.” Basically, if you live in Australia or New Zealand and purchased The Division 2 Gold or Ultimate Edition, you can play the game right now. For everyone else, early access will begin on March 12 at midnight local time.
Keep in mind, this applies to the Xbox One and PS4 versions of the Gold and Ultimate Edition. Buying either of these versions on PC via Uplay actually allows you to play access a few hours earlier.

For those who purchased the Standard Edition of The Division 2, you’ll be able to start playing on Friday, March 15 at midnight local time. In Europe, you can begin pre-loading the game today, while those in America will have to wait until March 13. The timing depends on your platform and region.

As a reminder, the PC version of the game, which was originally planned for Steam, will now be launching through the Epic Games Store.
Additionally, Title Update 1.5 is also available today. Checking in about around 2GB, the update “addresses occurrences of audio missing or cutting out experienced by some during Open Beta.”
This is just the first step in what promises to be an eventful journey in The Division 2, which has at least a year’s worth of free post-launch content planned. Be sure to stick with us as we offer our thoughts on this ever-expanding post-apocalyptic adventure.