Warframe: How to farm for Chroma Prime

Digital Extremes
Digital Extremes

If you want to get your hands on Warframe’s just-released Chroma Prime but don’t want to spend real money, we got you covered with a guide on how to farm him.

Chroma Prime has officially released in Warframe, allowing operators to wield the devastatingly powerful DPS frame with a new shiny coat of Orokin paint. While he’s purchasable through the Prime Access pack that went live today as well, those who would rather put in the work and farm him themselves, we got you covered.

As is standard with every Prime Warframe, Chroma Prime sports better stats, which in this case is increased Armor and Energy Capacity. As with all Prime Warframes, he possesses the passive ability to release an energy pulse granting 250 energy to all allies upon contact with an Orokin Void Death Orb.

Acquiring Chroma Prime, as is standard with all Prime Warframes and equipment, is done through relics and relic farming.

Relics required

Chroma Prime Blueprint (Common): Neo K2 Relic

Chroma Prime Chassis (Uncommon): Meso T3 Relic

Chroma Prime Systems (Uncommon): Axi C3 Relic

Chroma Prime Neuroptics (Rare): Lith C3 Relic

As you can see, the Blueprint is a Common drop from Neo K2 relics, which means you can leave those untouched and farm away with a pretty good success rate. For the Chassis and Systems, you’ll most likely want to invest some Void Traces and refine them above Intact, that way you’ll have a better chance at getting those drops. For the Neuroptics, you’ll want to dump all your Void Traces into those relics and refine them to Radiant so you can increase your drop chance from a measly 2% to a much better 10%.

Relic Farming Locations

Neo Relics: An absolute favorite mission with no shortage of players will be Hydron on Sedna. A great mission or farming XP as well as a constant reliable stream of Neo relic drops. It drops in the A rotation, which means stay for rounds 1 and 2 and then come back if all you care about are quick relics. Alternatively, you can also go to Io on Jupiter where Neo relics drop on rotation B & C.

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Meso Relics: Io on Jupiter is also a great source for Meso relics, as they drop on rotation A only. Since it’s such a low-level mission, any Warframes that have good AoE skills, such as Banshee, Equinox, or Octavia will make this level an absolute breeze. Combine that with rotations B & C to get Neo relics, and it’s a great spot to farm for both the Frame blueprint and Chassis blueprint

Axi Relics: Much like farming for two sets of relics on Io, Jupiter, you can do the same with Hydron on Sedna. Axi relics will drop on rotations B and C, which means combined with the Neo relic drops on rotation A, you can comfortably farm Hydron until you pass out and get good stream necessary relics for Chroma Prime.

Lith Relics: Even though it contains the rarest component, it can be farmed right from Earth, the easiest planet. You can go about this one of two ways. Queuing up for Everest on Earth, which an Excavation mission, will yield a Lith relic on rotations B and C, meaning you can just farm away at your heart’s content. Alternatively, you can also queue up for a level 10-30 bounty on Cetus, and have a percent chance for them to drop on either Stage 2 or Stage 3 of the bounty.

The Summary

Hydron, Sedna/Defense – Neo (A rotation), Axi (B, C rotation)

Io, Jupiter/Defense – Neo (B, C rotation), Meso (A rotation)

Everest, Earth/Excavation – Lith (B, C rotation)

Cetus, Earth/Bounty – Lith (Level 10-30 bounties)