Rise off into the sunset on any number of galloping creatures with this guide to all mounts in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Hyrule is an enormous place, and while much of it is best explored on foot, there’s a certain magic to galloping across the planes on a wild horse, letting it take its own path while you examine the scenery. You’ll likely encounter horses early in your journey and make use of them for the majority of your adventure, checking in regularly at stables to board your horsey friends or take them out again. But you don’t just need to stick to riding generic, hum-drum wild stallions. There are plenty of other rare mounts in Breath of the Wild. Here’s a list of everything you can ride, and how to find it and tame it:

Like we said, horses are obviously a thing in Breath of the Wild and can be found in most of Hyrule’s grasslands and almost universally near stables. In general (though this is not universally true), the spotted horses are easier to capture and tame than the plain-colored ones, though their stats are weaker. To capture a gentler steed, you merely need to sneak up on it and hop on its back. But for the wilder mounts, climbing aboard will result in them trying to buck you off. To tame those, you need stamina, as it will steadily drop until you fall off. Cook some stamina-increasing food, and rapidly tap L until the horse relaxes and you can ride.

Taming horses and any other mount may not immediately seem intuitive, but I promise it isn’t hard. Whenever they attempt to disobey, gently urge them to do whatever it is you want them doing, and once they comply, soothe them once with L. You can also befriend them by holding apples or carrots near them and letting them have a treat. Do these things enough, and the horse will warm to you and obey your every command.

You can sneak up on and mount other forms of wildlife in Breath of the Wild as well, though you can’t board them or register them at stables, and they can be incredibly uncooperative. For example, you can ride does such as the one pictured above, though they look absolutely absurd the way they hop around with you on their back. You can also ride elk, wild hogs, and for some unholy reason, bears:
I accidentally set a bear on fire and accidentally mounted it and now I'm trying to stay calm as I set the forest on fire with the bear help pic.twitter.com/GydVZdLxjG
— Paperbag Animator (@PaperbagTweet) March 8, 2017
I recommend doing this once because it’s funny, but the rest of the time you’re better off with a more trustworthy mount to gallop across Hyrule with. The wildlife will bolt if you ever dismount, so they’re just flat-out not a practical option…especially if they are on fire.
Similarly, you can find and mount Stalhorses (skeletal horses) in a few places in Faron and Hebra. They only appear at night, disappear during the day and similarly cannot be registered at a stable. They’re also ugly as sin.

The Royal Steed
Chances are that when you first leaped off of the Great Plateau, you headed east toward Kakariko Village instead of straight north, south, or to the west. If you did go east, you might have missed Outskirt Stable, which is hidden between some low mountains north of the Plateau. If you visit, you’ll pick up a quest from a man named Embry called the Royal Steed, where he sends you after the descendant of Princess Zelda’s horse.
The Royal Steed is located in Sanadin Park Ruins, not too far from Outskirt Stable (follow the road!) and with an easy-to-spot horse statue marking its spot. There’s a memory here, too, if you’re looking. The brilliant white horse should be very easy to spot in this area, but make sure you have stamina food. You’ll need nearly two full circles to tame this wild steed.
Bring her back to Outskirt Stable once tamed for a unique saddle and bridle combination that matches the one Zelda’s horse wears in flashbacks. The Royal Steed is the best horse obtainable in the game without an amiibo.
Speaking of amiibo, you can obtain Epona in Breath of the Wild as well. We have a more comprehensive guide here, but the “TL;DR” is: you need a Smash Bros. Link amiibo. Scan it, and voila: Epona. Her stats are even better than the royal horse’s are, and you don’t need to tame her at all, though you can’t change her name.

Giant Horse
Uh, yeah, and we do mean giant. This horse is huge, and it’s basically a tank that can mow down anything from Breath of the Wild in its path, even though it can’t break into a full gallop. You can find it in the Taobob Grasslands just east of Mount Hylia, in an area with some weird looking trees. There are a ton of regular horses around it, making it easy to spook one and mess up your entire gameplan, so we recommend using one of the many high points around the area to drop in from above.
The Giant Horse is the wildest of all horses as befits his enormity, but by the time you ride the huge fellow to the nearby Highland Stable, you’ll likely have made friends with it. The Giant Horse is ideal for mounted combat due to its powerful abilities and strength, plus, there are rumors it may be the descendant of another horse belonging to a certain villain…

Lord of the Mountain
Or, as I like to call him, Super Magic Sparkle Pony. From a distance, the Lord of the Mountain appears to be a beautiful, mysterious, magical creature, though up close with his two faces he looks a bit more like something from the creepy parts of a Miyazaki film. Lord of the Mountain appears on Satori Mountain, a strange mountaintop that occasionally emits green lights at night. When you see the lights, that means the Lord has come to the mountain–the rest of the time, he’s absent.
Climb the mountain until you reach a small pond with a tree and cherry blossom petals everywhere. Don’t mind the Blupees bopping around–they spook easier than he does. You’ll need a hefty chunk of stamina to mount and ride the Lord, but he will obey your commands without question once he’s done bucking.
Next: 5 Breath of the Wild Characters We Really Want to Smooch
Sadly, Super Magic Sparkle Pony won’t stick with you. You can dismount briefly if you see something you like, but if you wait too long, he will disappear. You also can’t register him anywhere. The Lord of the Mountain can never be truly tamed.