Sony announces Concord will be shut down this week

In this photo illustration, PlayStation 5 (PS5) logo is seen...
In this photo illustration, PlayStation 5 (PS5) logo is seen... / SOPA Images/GettyImages

The abrupt closure of Concord, a sci-fi shooter from Firewalk Studios and Sony, just 14 days after its launch, has sent shockwaves through the gaming community. This rapid shutdown, announced on September 3, 2024, highlights significant challenges within the industry, from the difficulties of launching new IPs to the financial and reputational risks associated with high-profile failures. 

Concord was launched with considerable expectations on August 23, 2024. As a new title backed by Sony, one of the most powerful players in the gaming world, it was anticipated to make a strong impact. However, the game struggled to gain traction, never surpassing 1,000 concurrent players on Steam—a critical indicator of a game’s popularity and longevity in today’s market. Negative reviews and player dissatisfaction further compounded its issues, leading to its rapid decline.

In an official statement, Firewalk Studios acknowledged that while some aspects of the game resonated with players, many others did not meet expectations. The decision to take Concord offline was framed as a necessary step to reassess the game’s future and explore new options that might better connect with its intended audience.

Launching a new intellectual property (IP) is always risky, especially in a saturated market dominated by established franchises. Concord’s failure underscores the challenges developers face when trying to introduce a new game to a discerning and often critical player base.

The rapid shutdown highlights the intense pressure developers face to deliver successful titles, especially when backed by major publishers like Sony. The stakes are high, and the consequences of failure can be swift and severe.

In an era where live-service games dominate, the ability to quickly address issues and adapt to player feedback is crucial. Concord’s shutdown suggests that the game’s post-launch support was either insufficient or too late to salvage its fortunes.

The decision to offer full refunds to players who purchased Concord on PS5 or PC is a rare move in the industry, indicating the severity of the situation. This move will likely result in significant financial losses for both Firewalk Studios and Sony, further emphasizing the high stakes involved in game development.

For Sony, the failure of Concord could impact its reputation as a publisher, particularly if similar issues arise with future titles. Maintaining player trust is crucial, and swift, transparent communication—as seen with the refund process—will be key to mitigating the damage.

While Concord is offline, Firewalk Studios has indicated that it is exploring other options for the game. This could involve significant reworks, a potential relaunch, or even pivoting the project in an entirely new direction. Whatever path they choose, the development team faces the daunting task of rebuilding both the game and its community.

For Sony, this episode may lead to a reevaluation of its approach to launching new IPs, particularly in terms of marketing, player engagement, and post-launch support. The lessons learned from Concord’s failure could inform future strategies, helping to ensure that upcoming titles avoid a similar fate.

The swift rise and fall of Concord serves as a stark reminder of the challenges and risks inherent in the gaming industry. While new IPs are essential for innovation and growth, their success is far from guaranteed. As the industry continues to evolve, developers and publishers alike must navigate these challenges with careful planning, robust support systems, and a deep understanding of player expectations.

The abrupt closure of Concord also prompts a larger discussion about the sustainability of live-service games in the current market. The success of games like Fortnite and Apex Legends has encouraged many developers to pursue this model, but the reality is that only a few titles can sustain large, active communities over the long term. This saturation makes it increasingly difficult for new entrants to carve out a niche, especially when players are already deeply invested in established games.

Concord’s failure is particularly concerning for smaller developers who may be watching closely. The game’s rapid decline illustrates how even well-funded projects with major publisher backing can struggle to succeed. For indie developers and smaller studios, this might be a cautionary tale, highlighting the importance of carefully managing resources, expectations, and community engagement.

The gaming community’s response to Concord also highlights a growing trend: consumers are becoming more discerning and less forgiving. With so many high-quality options available, players are quick to abandon games that don’t immediately meet their standards. This reality places enormous pressure on developers to not only launch polished products but also to continuously update and improve them based on player feedback.

Another key takeaway from Concord’s downfall is the role of marketing and pre-launch hype. In the gaming industry, building anticipation can be a double-edged sword. While it’s crucial for generating initial interest, it can also lead to heightened expectations that are difficult to meet. In Concord’s case, the hype may have outpaced the game’s ability to deliver, leading to disappointment and a rapid decline in player interest.

No matter how innovative a game’s concept or mechanics may be, if the core gameplay isn’t engaging, it’s unlikely to succeed. Developers must prioritize creating a solid, enjoyable experience that can sustain player interest over time.

Active and transparent communication with the player base can make a significant difference in a game’s success. Listening to feedback, addressing concerns, and making necessary adjustments quickly can help maintain player trust and loyalty.

It’s important for developers and publishers to manage player expectations realistically. Over-promising and under-delivering can lead to backlash and rapid player drop-off, as seen with Concord.

While innovation is essential, it’s equally important to ensure that new features and mechanics are intuitive and accessible to players. Striking the right balance between innovation and familiarity can help attract and retain a broader audience.

The sudden shutdown of Concord just two weeks after its launch serves as a stark reminder of the challenges facing the gaming industry today. As developers continue to navigate an increasingly competitive and saturated market, the lessons learned from Concord’s failure will be crucial in shaping the future of game development and publishing.

For Sony, Firewalk Studios, and the broader industry, the key takeaway is clear: in an era where player expectations are higher than ever, delivering a compelling, well-supported gaming experience is not just important—it’s essential.

The failure of Concord raises important questions about the future of live-service games. With the market becoming increasingly saturated, it's evident that not every new entry can find success. The industry may need to reconsider the viability of launching so many live-service games, especially when they require continuous content updates and a committed player base to thrive. 

This also points to the potential for market correction. If fewer live-service games are successful, developers might shift focus back to traditional single-player experiences or more contained multiplayer games that don't demand the same level of ongoing commitment from both the players and the developers.

Another aspect to consider is how these rapid shutdowns affect player trust and the broader reputation of the gaming industry. When games like Concord shut down shortly after launch, players who invested time and money can feel betrayed. This could lead to increased skepticism towards new game releases, particularly in the live-service model, and make players more hesitant to invest in new titles until they prove their staying power.

For the industry, this trend could lead to a more cautious approach to game announcements and launches. Developers and publishers may need to focus more on building games that can stand the test of time, rather than chasing trends and trying to replicate the success of the biggest live-service hits.

For Firewalk Studios, the failure of Concord is a significant setback. The studio's future projects will likely be scrutinized more closely by both the public and investors. Rebuilding credibility and trust will be essential for their next venture, and they may need to shift strategies or explore different genres to avoid a repeat of this experience.

For Sony, this incident highlights the risks involved in backing new studios and live-service games. While Sony has a strong track record with its exclusive single-player titles, Concord’s failure shows that even major publishers can misjudge the market. Sony may need to reassess its strategy for live-service games and consider how to better support these types of projects to ensure they have a stronger chance of success.

The shutdown of Concord serves as a cautionary tale for the gaming industry. It underscores the challenges of launching live-service games in a crowded market and the importance of delivering a compelling experience right from the start. As the industry moves forward, both developers and publishers will need to learn from these lessons, focusing on quality, player engagement, and realistic expectations to avoid similar pitfalls in the future.

The rapid rise and fall of Concord is a reminder that in the gaming industry, success is never guaranteed, and the stakes are always high.