Pokemon TCG: 18 Most Valuable Charizard Cards

Explore the fiery prices of these 18 Pokemon TCG cards featuring everyone’s favorite fire-type starter’s final evolution: Charizard!

Artwork for Charizard from Base Set, Skyridge and Plasma Storm Pokemon TCG.
Artwork for Charizard from Base Set, Skyridge and Plasma Storm Pokemon TCG.
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Charizard Cards Worth Between $600 and $800

6. Shining Charizard – Holofoil

Screenshot of Holo Shining Charizard from Neo Destiny Pokemon TCG
Holo Shining Charizard from Neo Destiny Pokemon TCG. Courtesy of the Pokemon Company

Set: Neo Destiny

Market Price: $633.00

Shockingly, the first-ever instance of a shiny Charizard in the TCG is only the sixth-most valuable ‘Zard card on the market. Featuring incredible artwork and an interesting foiling method that only added the foil sheen to the ‘mon itself (representing its “shining,” aka shiny, nature), this card retains an impressive value nearly 25 years after it debuted.

As with any card on this list, 1st edition versions of this card are where the real money is but finding a moderately played Unlimited version of one of these cards for less than $500 can definitely be deemed a bargain.

5. Charizard – Holofoil

Screenshot of Charizard from Plasma Storm Pokemon TCG
Charizard from Plasma Storm Pokemon TCG. Courtesy of the Pokemon Company

Set: Plasma Storm

Market Price: $667.60

The final shiny ‘Zard card on this list is from 2012’s Plasma Storm set from the Black & Whit era of the TCG. A Secret Rare with two extremely strong attacks, this ‘Zard card was paired with its water-type Gen. 1 brethren Blastoise in the Secret Rare slot.

Likely due to scarcity and featuring a cool foiling treatment that features the fire-type symbol on it, this shiny ‘Zard is an extremely hot ticket among collectors. If you cracked it in a pack when it came out, lucky you!

4. Charizard – Reverse Holofoil

Screenshot of Reverse Holo Charizard from Legendary Collection Pokemon TCG
Reverse Holo Charizard from Legendary Collection Pokemon TCG. Courtesy of the Pokemon Company

Set: Legendary Collection

Market Price: $694.99

Yet another reprinting of the legendary Base Set Charizard, this one hails from the fittingly named Legendary Collection, which saw reprints of some of the most notable cards from the Pokemon TCG’s first four sets: Base Set, Jungle, Fossil and Team Rocket.

Of course, any compilation set featuring iconic cards from the game’s past have to include Base Set Charizard, but this version in particular debuted yet another striking foiling treatment referred to as “fireworks,” which is a Reverse Holofoil treatment that looks as if sparks are glinting on the entire card’s surface – save for the art. These cards were dismissed upon the release of the set but have only grown in collectability and value over the years – up to the point where this card nearly creeps over the $700 threshold.