Pokémon release new tera raid event for Hoenn's Blaziken

Pokémon have announced their next tera raid event for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet featuring Blaziken.
Customers walk past the Pokemon Store graffiti at Tokyo...
Customers walk past the Pokemon Store graffiti at Tokyo... | SOPA Images/GettyImages

As the Pokemon Scarlet and  Violet DLC - The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero continues to unravel, a new tera raid event has been announced for this coming weekend. This weekend's event will feature a flying tera- type Blaziken as the opponent for players to face.

According to Serebii,the event is set to run this weekend from January 12th to January 14th, with a second shot a Blaziken the Unrivaled set to take place the following weekend between the 19th and 21st of January. This will be accompanied by 5 star Blissey tera raids that will offer increased amounts of exp candies and tera shards as rewards. 

The Blaziken tera raid event will come as a treat to those players who haven’t bought the DLC or haven’t unlocked Torchic as an obtainable Pokémon yet in the Indigo Disk portion of the DLC. For the latter, the only way to obtain it is to increase the biodiversity of the terrarium by paying 3000 blueberry points in the process. The raid will also be of interest to those who put stock in “marks” and the Blaziken will sport “the mightiest” mark upon capture. 

The inclusion of will likely kick off a new series of starter Pokémon raids for players to enjoy. As we’ve seen in the past, players have been able to obtain the Hisuian starters among others in these raids. Possible follow ups include the likes of Swampert or Sceptile in the coming months, as well as raids for the all the starters available in the DLC.

Players have already begun coming up with strategies for this tera raid, but one of the more common picks will likely be the Violet Legendary Miraidon. An electric dragon with a base electric tera type, Miraidon fits quite well into this raid as it's moves will be super effective against the flying tera Blaziken. In terms of move pool, Electro Drift, Metal Sound, Parabolic Charge and Calm Mind are being suggested as the ideal combination for those choosing to run this Pokémon.