There are over to 800 different Pokemon that you can currently catch in Pokemon GO. Of all the Pokemon, one of the most fascinating is Eevee. Eevee is fascinating because there are 8 different evolutions that you can get for Eevee. There are a few different ways you can go about getting all 8 evolutions, with some being much easier than the others.
How to get all eight Eevee Evolutions in Pokemon GO 2024?
The hardest way to get them all is to acquire them all by chance. Every time you get 25 Eevee candy, you can go to evolve Eevee naturally. You will notice that there is a question mark there and that means that the evolution you are going to get is random. The chances of getting the evolution you want are really low. Luckily, there are much easier ways to get every one of the Eevee evolutions.
Nickname your Eevee's
Changing the name of your Eevee before you evolve them is actually a guaranteed way to get the Eevee evolution that you are striving for. There are 8 different nicknames that you can use, but these nicknames can only ever be used once to guarantee you get the evolution that you are seeking, so make sure that you use them wisely. If you are looking to find the nicknames for each Eevee, you can follow the list below.
- Flareon - Type: Fire, Nickname: Pyro
- Vaporeon - Type: Water, Nickname: Rainer
- Jolteon - Type: Electric, Nickname: Sparky
- Leafeon - Type: Grass, Nickname: Linnea
- Glaceon - Type: Ice, Nickname: Rea
- Espeon - Type: Psychic, Nickname: Sakura
- Sylveon - Type: Fairy, Nickname: Kira
- Umbreon - Type: Dark, Nickname: Tamao
Since each of the above nicknames can only be used once to determine the evolution of an Eevee, it can be a bit frustrating when you need to acquire a specific Eevee evolution for Special Research. If you already used the nickname trick before, you are going to have to take a much different approach to getting the evolutions. However, don't worry, there is one more way you can get any Eevee evolution that you want. It is just going to take a bit more time.
Complete specific Eevee Requirements before you evolve your Eevee
When you reach level 42 in Pokemon GO, you are going to need to collect one of every Eevee evolution again before you can proceed, even if you already have one of each caught. By the time you get to level 42, there is a great chance you already used your nickname change trick. However, by completing specific Eevee Requirements before you go to evolve each individual Eevee will allow you to choose the specific evolution you are looking for. Follow the Requirements below before you evolve each Eevee to get the evolution of your choice!
Flareon - Type: Fire, Require: Going to have to test your luck by randomly evolving Eevee to see if you get it.
Vaporeon - Type: Water, Requirement: Going to have to test your luck by randomly evolving Eevee to see if you get it.
Jolteon - Type: Electric, Requirement: Going to have to test your luck by randomly evolving Eevee to see if you get it.
Leafeon - Type: Grass, Requirement: Evolve your Eevee while next to a Mossy Lure Module at a Pokestop.
Glaceon - Type: Ice, Requirement: Evolve your Eevee while next to a Glacial Lure Module at a Pokestop.
Espeon - Type: Psychic, Requirement: Set Eevee as your buddy and walk at least 10 km. Then you must evolve them during the day.
Sylveon - Type: Fairy, Requirement: Set Eevee as your buddy and earn at least 70 Buddy Hearts. Then evolve them.
Umbreon - Type: Dark, Requirement: Set Eevee as your buddy and walk at least 10 km. Then you must evolve them at night.
The Nickname Trick and the Requirement Trick are the only ways to guarantee yourself the specific Eevee you are looking for. Whether you are trying to collect one of each or you are looking to have all 8 of them for a specific challenge, you know now exactly how you can get them. Getting all 8 Eevee evolutions is not necessarily hard, but it will definitely take you some time.