20. Below Ice Mountain
Difficulty: 3/10
Nostalgia: 2/10
Storyline: 4/10
Overall: 3.0/10
I don’t think I appreciated the value of this quest until doing the new Desert Treasure II members quest and the epic Whisperer boss fight associated with Willow’s archeological discovery under Ice Mountain. However, even that was only enough to move it up a spot or two on this list, because it’s not actually related to this particular quest.
At risk of sounding too much like a “back in my day” critic, the game’s newest non-members quest, similar to Corsair Curse, simply doesn’t stand out like some of the true Old School quests from back in the day.
Still, there is a nice twist at the end, similar to a number of other quests in the game, and not everything is as it seems throughout your journey.
A major drawback of this quest is the fact that there is a super long cutscene, and given the fact that this is one of the longer free-to-play quests in the game, the fact that a lot of the quest doesn’t involve much interaction keeps it several tiers below quests of similar difficulty.