Fortnite's Myth and Mortals flexes their creative muscle with new takes on old gods

Fortnite has taken from all sorts of famous pantheons before. From Avengers to Justice League, few of these pantheons remain untouched by the massive hand of Fortnite. But now they reach for one of the most O.G. pantheons around, the ancient Greek Gods. Zeus, Artemis, and the gang show up in amazing new looks for what looks to be a really fun season.
Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 2 - Myths & Mortals. Epic Games
Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 2 - Myths & Mortals. Epic Games

Every season there's always something that Fortnite borrows pretty heavily from. Last season, they made a big push towards a buff Peter Griffin (of Family Guy fame) skin with a bunch of variants. Mixed into the season were several new character skins that, while looked cool, were fairly forgettable. This season, Fortnite is making a pushback towards their original character design though and wow do they go all in.

Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 2 - Myths & Mortals - Cerberus
Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 2 - Myths & Mortals - Cerberus

With the Myth and Mortals season, the folks at Fortnite (folknites?) have taken to borrowing from the Greek Pantheon to bring hot new takes on the gang. This season gives us the following characters: Cerberus, Aphrodite, Poseidon, Medusa, Artemis, Zeus, and Hades. And because, ultimately, Fortnite is mostly populated by little edgelords, of COURSE Hades is the end all be all of the season pass.

But the design take of all these characters reminds me that somewhere deep in the Epic vault lays several top tier designers that can design interesting and unique attires and looks so hot you'd think they had pulled a Prometheus and stole that fire straight from the gods themselves.

Each character comes with an alternate skin that's supposed to look like it more, I don't know, godly. Cereberus becomes gold, Aphrodite becomes an energy being who's clothing breaks away into hearts, Zeus...Zeus looks like how people THOUGHT he was gonna look in the MCU.

My favorites, though, are the defaults for these characters. Sure, they phoned it in with Poseidon basically putting a crown on Slurp. But the way these other characters just pop is stunning. Take Aphrodite for example. Sure, her "Immortal Aphrodite" is a neat pink energy being. But look at her standard human form. Not only is that outfit gorgeous AND comfy looking, but I think it actually screams Aphrodite more than her energy form. And look at the smirk.

Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 2 - Myths & Mortals - Aphrodite
Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 2 - Myths & Mortals - Aphrodite. Epic Games.

The G.O.A.T. of this pass though, in my humble opinion, has to be Artemis. I mean, she's already my favorite of the Greek Gods before coming to Fortnite so I'm a little bias but look at her. Energy arrows, the spectral hair, midriff, and leggings. And the armor? Perfect.

Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 2 - Myths & Mortals - Artemis
Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 2 - Myths & Mortals - Artemis. Epic Games.

I will say, there is a stinker in this though. Hades. I know he's supposed to be the one people show off for hitting 100, but you guys. Hades is just Reaper from Overwatch. He is. Take their weapons and I double dog dare you to tell me five differences between these two character looks. I hate it.

The biggest crime that this pass does, however, is stealing thunder from Medusa. Not only is Medusa one of the coolest (and honestly misunderstood) members of Greek Mythology, but they had the audacity to make her look incredible, give her a giant robotic snake, and then completely screw her over in the trailer by having Cereberus steal the spotlight from her before she even gets to be showcased? What even is that?!

But, all sins aside, this season is great for reminding people that Fortnite was built off some incredible design choices. Visual designs that drew the curiosity of thousands of people like myself who don't even play the main game but constantly find themselves pulled in just to see what's happening. And to be honest, I will take a million characters like what they did this season over "Look what licensed characters will hold guns now".