Every Main Costume in Princess Peach Showtime Ranked

Princess Peach goes through 10+ costume changes during her time in Princess Peach Showtime, but not all fits are created equal. Let's rank the main 10.
Princess Peach Showtime Key Art. Courtesy Nintendo
Princess Peach Showtime Key Art. Courtesy Nintendo /
9 of 10

2) Cowgirl Peach

Cowgirl Peach - Princess Peach Showtime
Princess Peach Showtime screenshot via Nintendo Switch. /

"But Eric!" you say, interrupting me. Rude. "You keep telling us that costumes lose points for being pretty standard." Let's get into this.

Yes. Peach's Cowgirl outfit looks like the standard cowpoke apparel. AT FIRST. But let's get into it because there's a lot of unnecessary but welcome features here.

Firstly, this is quite possibly Peach's least fem outfit of all time and I love that for her. Sure, there's heels, but even the cowBOYs wear bizarrely long heels for reasons I reckon I ain't ever gonna know. Secondly, she's rocking four different sections of her shirt. And while this helps sell the look, unlike a lot of fringe on modern coats and in depiction of cowfolk, these are actually placed well and in a spot you'd actually want the water to not heavily soak into should it rain (yes, tassels have purpose. And yes, I did a lot of weird research for this article). Thirdly, her hat is fantastic. Not only does it have the unnecessary addition of that rope tied around the rim of it to give it a more woven look, but honestly, how else can you be more cow[pronoun] than actually having horns. And yes, I also found out in my research that female cows can have horns. We all learned stuff today.

02 - Cowgirl Peach - Princess Peach Showtime
Princess Peach Showtime screenshot via Nintendo Switch. /

The game section is also really fun. Ranging from a whack-a-mole like section in which you're lassoing barrels and throwing them, to a really solid boss battle, to a recreation of the old Atari game stampede with modern twists, her Cowgirl stages are actually really fun.

Added bonus, hearing Peach say "howdy" and "shucks" is something I never knew I wanted to hear but I love it.