Every Main Costume in Princess Peach Showtime Ranked

Princess Peach goes through 10+ costume changes during her time in Princess Peach Showtime, but not all fits are created equal. Let's rank the main 10.
Princess Peach Showtime Key Art. Courtesy Nintendo
Princess Peach Showtime Key Art. Courtesy Nintendo /
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5) Dashing Thief Peach

Dashing Thief Peach - Princess Peach Showtime
Princess Peach Showtime screenshot via Nintendo Switch. /

Listen, I love the Japanese obsession with dapper thieves. Swooping in in fancy clothes, doing daring deeds, and eluding the bumbling patrol. I get it. It's very fun. And I loved Persona 5 so getting to done the thief mask once more was cool. But I think the outfit has some problems.

The outfit, much like the detective outfit earlier, has been done to death but, at least, this one is a bit more tailored to Peach. The cape, the sleeve length, they all look great in relation to her. But I also think the accessories are a weird choice. The blue and gold broach, the lime green earrings, they seem very out of place with the red/chocolate look of this outfit.

 Dashing Thief Peach - Princess Peach Showtime
Princess Peach Showtime screenshot via Nintendo Switch. /

The gameplay for the thief sections are pretty fun though. Dodging through security, figuring out little puzzles, swinging around via grappling hook, and my personal favorite, using a hang glider to get away. Real talk, I love side scrolling games when they throw in a hang gliding section. Don't know what it is but I love them.

The stage itself is also really stylish, really capturing the look of the kind of place you'd expect a dashing thief to burgle.