Every Main Costume in Princess Peach Showtime Ranked

Princess Peach goes through 10+ costume changes during her time in Princess Peach Showtime, but not all fits are created equal. Let's rank the main 10.
Princess Peach Showtime Key Art. Courtesy Nintendo
Princess Peach Showtime Key Art. Courtesy Nintendo /
4 of 10

7) Kung Fu Peach

Kung Fu Peach - Princess Peach Showtime
Princess Peach Showtime screenshot via Nintendo Switch. /

I'll probably get some guffaws for this but this is 7th on my list. It's starting to get difficult because I like a lot of these costumes but someone's gotta be in this spot.

When you play as Kung Fu Peach there's a mixed bag of emotions from me. The controls are good and I love how they showcase how strong she is. The way her animation makes her punches and kicks look like they connect with all the force of the bus from Final Destination. But, at the same time, the boss fights all come down to only attacking when a circle shrinks. It takes all the control and power and puts the boss completely in charge of what you can and cannot do. It's a strange power dynamic flux that took away the feeling of how strong she is.

As for the costume, Peach pulls off purple in a way that would infuriate Waluigi if he was allowed to exist in a game. And pairing it with green? I don't get it but it works. I also really love how they pulled her hair back in a long braid. The make-up is weird for me though. I'm not sure what it is about the pink eye-shadow the cover an eight of her face with but it makes her look so old to me for some reason.

Kung Fu Peach - Princess Peach Showtime
Princess Peach Showtime screenshot via Nintendo Switch. /

There are also several parts of the Kung Fu stages that either overstay their welcome or don't show up enough. For example, the first part you have to fight enemies from the tops of poles is cool. Around the fifth time you're jumping from pole to pole smashing a button hoping to hit an enemy while you're moving gets old.

Likewise, there's this part towards the end where you're dodging a series of traps like logs on rope swings and I kept thinking "This is really cool" only to find out it's literally for about two seconds. It was unfortunate to see such an interesting thing added only at the end when so many other things were recycled.