Following last week's Season of the Wish "Into the Pale Heart" Cinematic, Bungie has now released the launch trailer for Destiny 2: The Final Shape.
Watching the launch trailer for the upcoming expansion, I'm reminded of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and how it built up to Avengers: Endgame, a climactic finale to a story told over the course of 10-plus years.
Like the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Bungie has been building its own blockbuster in Destiny. The long-running sci-fi shooter began back in 2014 with the release of the original Destiny.
10 years later, we're now at The Final Shape -- the culmination of the Light and Darkness Saga.
For those who have been with Destiny since the beginning, this is your Avengers: Endgame moment. The Guardians are about to travel into The Pale Heart of the Traveler to aid the Vanguard in their final confrontation with the ultimate adversary, the Witness.
If you've been with Destiny since the beginning, this expansion -- and subsequently this trailer -- is everything you've wanted. It's 10 years of build-up finally coming to a conclusion.
"It's the end of everything," Cayde-6 says to the group around a campfire. "Might as well try to stop it."
After all of the pain, the suffering, the loss, we're finally about to confront The Witness -- and in the coolest of environments too.
The Pale Heart is described as "a place where we will find eternity being torn asunder. An unraveling landscape that echoes with the deeds of our past."
What is real? What is a lie?
I, personally, can't wait to dive into The Final Shape when it launches on June 4, 2024.
In addition to the main story, the expansion itself will see the introduction of the new Prismatic subclass. For the first time ever, players will be able to create their own custom subclass by combining Arc, Solar, Void, Stasis and Strand abilities.
And, of course, we'll get the usual such as new weapons, new enemies, a new Raid, and more.
Destiny: The Final Shape will be released on June 4, 2024.