Pokemon Sun And Moon Pokemon, Ranked
6 – Lunala
Type: Psychic/Ghost
Classification: Moone Pokemon
Pokedex: It is said to be a female evolution of Cosmog. When its third eye activates, away it flies to another world. Said to live in another world, this Pokémon devours light, drawing the moonless dark veil of night over the brightness of day.
Explanation: Even though I picked Pokemon Sun, of the two box mascots, I have to admit that Lunala is the cooler design. While I understand that Lunala is meant to be a bat, she reminds me a lot of the Moonlight Butterfly from Dark Souls with those luminescent wings. Though, a bat is pretty cool too, given that she’s probably based off of the ghost bat, which has such a light coloring and thin wing membrane that it looks like a ghost flapping around at night. If a bat indeed, Lunala is one of the few representations of a bat as more than just a blood sucking terror or an obnoxious cave-dweller (lookin at you, Zubat). Lunala brings the beauty and comfort of night, showing darkness as merely one half of a greater whole rather than a threat to be feared.