John Madden's legacy and the game series that bears his name are getting a lot of publicity right now. First, we got the announcement that Nicolas Cage will portray the legendary coach, broadcaster, and video game icon in a movie. Now Amazon has announced It's In the Game, a four-part docuseries debuting Nov. 26.
Madden NFL's dominance made it the only licensed NFL football product on the market. But, as the documentary will remind us, it almost didn't happen. I am old enough to remember games such as 10-Yard Fight. I played the hell out of that game and many like it. But the hardware limitations of the time created games that were football in name only.
Games didn't even attempt 11-on-11 football. But John Madden was adamant that he wouldn't put his name on anything that wasn't real football, and 7-on-7 didn't cut it. His hardline stance forced EA to figure it out. After that, nobody would ever accept the games of the old days again.
Much of what we see here is understandably pro-Madden, and I expect this show to lean heavily that way. But there was the briefest clip of Jose "Angry Joe" Vargas, who has railed for years against Madden's failure to innovate. It appears they'll talk about the series stagnation, if only briefly.
I've got the same love/hate relationship with Madden a lot of longtime players have. I literally wouldn't be here talking to you without all the stories I've written about it over the years. But yes, it does need to improve and the exclusive licensing agreement is not helping. But that's a rant for another day. I'll let you know what I think of It's In the Game soon.