A Warzone Wish List for the Holidays

App Trigger's Timothy Brand has some ideas on how to fix the popular but beleaguered Call of Duty battle royale.
Ken Ruinard / staff / USA TODAY NETWORK

Dear Santa,

This Christmas, the Warzone community humbly ask for your ear. We understand that the Call of Duty cycle is about as inevitable as death and taxes. Excitement, followed by fatigue in July, all the way up to outright hostility by November when the new game releases. But this is getting bad. We got together and these are the improvements we've come up with:

1. A working Anti-cheat

We see the "ban waves". We understand that Activision wants Ricochet to work. We also understand they are "working on a fix." But the community is tired of shadow bans for non-cheaters, sometimes recursively one after another in some cases, while we get deleted instantaneously by actual cheaters on their fifth prestige. We doubt the game will be dead by the time these things roll out, but there will be some of us that even Verdansk won't be able to coax back in.

2. Servers that don't crash

We like rubber bands when they are wrapped around money. We don't like rubber banding around the map, only to have a dev error send us back to the lobby. It has gotten better in the U.S., at least it appears to have, but people play this game everywhere.

3. Fix the bad broken things as fast as you fix the fun broken things

Whether it be a weapon, tactical, or a building on the map, things will be exploited. Some are harmless, and can even give us all a laugh. For a bit at least. They usually are fixed in an hour. Yet glitches and bugs that make the game unplayable sometimes take weeks to fix.

4. Audio. That's the title.

We need to be able to hear players full sprinting at us. This seems to be moving in the right direction, but if there is a group that has no patience, it's gamers. Oh, and the audio should work without paying extra.

5. Keep the quality of life changes that work.

There is no need to start with a blank slate every time you integrate new stuff into the game. Adding good things and removing the things people love is a recipe for your new content to be overshadowed by malcontent.

Santa, we all love this game. It saved some people's sanity when we found ourselves confined to our homes. But we now have grass to touch and things to do. It all boils down to one thing: We just want to be able to sit back, have an age appropriate beverage, and enjoy the games.


The Warzone Community