50 Best Xbox One Games Right Now

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Best Xbox One Games #34 – SUPERHOT

Developer: SUPERHOT Team

Synopsis: While at a work terminal, a friend of yours sends you over the crack for this crazy new in-universe video game. In it, time moves only when you move, and you must kill all enemies in each scenario. Everything is layered in minimalist textures, and everyday objects can be used to disarm opponents with guns, swords, shotguns and assault rifles.

As each level progresses, you notice some odd things about how the game works. It’s almost as if the game is aware you’re playing it unfairly. Like you’re being watched. Slowly, but surely, you get hooked on the need to finish level after level, even when the odds are completely against you. There is more than meets the eye at first glance.

Why it’s one of the best Xbox One games: SUPERHOT is the most innovative shooter we’ve played in years. All in-jokes aside, the game offers a myriad of different scenarios that become instantly sharable within an in-game Killstagram system. There’s no “wrong” way to clear the bad guys, and each one offers a ton of creativity that allows the player to express themselves. Plus, extra game modes unlocked post-campaign make a short title infinitely replayable.

Super. Hot. Super. Hot. Super. Hot. Super. Hot. Super. Hot. Super. Hot. Super. Hot. Super. Hot. Super. Hot. Super. Hot. Super. Hot. Super. Hot. Super. Hot. Super. Hot. Super. Hot. Super. Hot.

Next: #33 - Titanfall