50 Best PS4 Games Right Now

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Tales from the Borderlands
Telltale Games

Best PS4 Games #47 – Tales from the Borderlands

Developer: Telltale Games

Synopsis: Taking place after Borderlands 2, this Telltale Games interpretation sees Hyperion employee Rhys get caught up in the path of no-good con artist Fiona in order to capitalize on a plunder they both want to cash in on. Over the course of the story, the two are on the run from Hyperion, bounty hunters, criminals and even go to space in order to find the location of a very special vault. Most of the story is told as a mysterious stranger asks his captured Rhys and Fiona their side of a story of how they reached that point.

Why it’s one of the 50 best PS4 games: A strong example of how Telltale Games can learn to adapt their storytelling style, Tales From The Borderlands is a showcase of faith. Many of us aren’t fans of the style of humor that the series is known for, especially with its memes, but Telltale takes the best of the characters and fully fleshes them out. An excellent voice cast, including the likes of Dave Fennoy, Phil LaMarr, Nolan North, Troy Baker, Laura Bailey, Patrick Warburton and Chris Hardwick, brings life to the characters.

Tales From The Borderlands manages to weave an excellent story that does its best to break away from the Telltale choice-based narrative formula.

Next: #46 - I Am Setsuna