50 Best PS4 Games Right Now

38 of 50
Ratchet & Clank PS4
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Best PS4 Games #13 – Ratchet & Clank

Developer: Insomniac Games

Synopsis: Knowing half the story behind this game, based on a movie, based on the original Ratchet & Clank, might be a bit confusing. It serves as a re-imagining of the first PS2 title, as told from the view of the newly-imprisoned Captain Qwark. The base game has been improved upon in 2016, updating the selection of weapons, movements, upgrading systems and graphical fidelity. The story is expanded upon, telling a different side than one normally expected from what is, essentially, a movie tie-in.

Why it’s one of the 50 best PS4 games: Due to the changes made to gameplay, including a fundamentally different representation of certain aspects of the level design, music, dialogue and narrative, this remake shouldn’t be disqualified from being considered a PS4 experience. It would be a shame to overlook such a quality over-the-shoulder action game that shares an honest comedic take in a world overwrought with cynical, grimdark shooters or jingoistic army propagandists. It’s silly, childlike and doesn’t take itself seriously; like what video games used to strive for.

Next: #12 - Nioh