50 Best PS4 Games Right Now
Best PS4 Games #24 – Child of Light
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Synopsis: Child of Light sees a young girl awaken to discover she is in an entirely different land. Told she must recover the Light of Lemuria, Igniculus, the firefly, helps guide her throughout this mystic world. Dialogue is almost completely set in rhyme, pairing the innocence of our protagonist with the charm of Child of Light’s story. Spells are interrupted by enemy attacks, adding a tactical layer necessary to optimize the output on your turn and the turn of others. Powers, passive stats, and other improvements can be upgraded upon leveling up, and those upgrade systems are deeper than at first glance.
Why it’s one of the 50 best PS4 games: Breaking up the tradition of annualizing franchises paid off wonders with Child of Light, as we see a softer side from Ubisoft Montreal. The game’s engine allows for some damningly haunting beauty, mixing softer colors to present a unique charm about the game. Paired with an orchestral soundtrack that weaves together with the poetic fallacy of the scenery, it makes for a fully realized RPG that creates its own style. The turn-based nature of gameplay fits well, as its hidden depths mirror the intricacies of the presentation.
Next: #23 - Destiny