50 best Nintendo 3DS games right now

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best nintendo 3ds games
Credit: Level-5 /

Best Nintendo Games – #46 Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask

Developer: Level-5

Release Date: October 28, 2012

Synopsis: A city built by a married couple with a mask as its mascot. A mysterious man performing what seem to be miracles. Hidden treasures. Ancient ruins. And at the center of it all, Professor Hershel Layton, a curious man with an interest in archaeology and mysteries just like this. Layton and his friends are entangled in another strange occurrence surrounding the city of Monte d’Or, and must uncover what’s happening using object finding puzzles and solving riddles. Not everything is as it seems, and it will take your best sleuthing abilities to emerge triumphant.

Why It’s One Of The Best Nintendo Games: The Professor Layton games have taken the popular trend of object finding games and puzzle games on mobile and turned them into a handheld Nintendo system success. With that formula for success, there’s little need to innovate as long as players enjoy a wide variety of unique puzzles and an intriguing storyline held up by a quirky, memorable cast of friends. Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask delivers on all these points, setting the Layton games up for a future of Nintendo 3DS success.