Teamfight Tactics Getting Spectator Mode in Patch 14.1

Riot Games
Riot Games

Riot Games’ popular auto-chess battler, Teamfight Tactics, is finally getting a spectator mode. The developer announced on social media that the feature is set to arrive in the Public Beta Environment for testing on Dec. 6. Players will be able to spectate games on the PC client. As far as mobile and tablet devices are concerned, no information has been announced regarding a spectator mode.

League of Legends has obviously had a spectator feature for a long time, but now TFT is getting its own version.

Teamfight Tactics Spectator Mode Release Date

TFT’s spectator mode will be added to the PBE on Dec. 6. Though, players will have to wait a bit longer for it to hit live servers.

According to Riot Games’ post on the official Teamfight Tactics X account, Spectator is expected to hit live servers in Patch 14.1. Now to clarify, that is what Riot Games is currently expecting at the time of writing. There are certainly issues that could arise with the mode while it undergoes testing on the PBE that could prevent it from releasing at that time. Still, with Patch 13.24 on the horizon, players hopefully won’t have to wait long for it to hit live servers.

Will TFT Spectator Have a Delay?

League of Legends’ spectator mode in-client notably has a delay as to prevent players from feeding information to other teams in real time. It’s currently unknown if TFT’s mode will have a delay, but one would assume so as to maintain competitive integrity in Ranked ladder games.