GTA VI Trailer Release Date Revealed


Well, it’s finally happening people. We are at DefCon 1, all hands-on deck as Rockstar Games has announced the official release date for the Grand Theft Auto VI trailer. After waiting over 10 years since GTA V has released, we now know the exact date and time we will be able to get our first look at what is surely the most anticipated game of the last decade.

GTA VI and Rockstar Games suffered a huge blow when a massive leak hit the internet. Those images were quickly scrubbed, but of course we all saw a bunch of very early, pre-alpha footage and screenshots. Back in early November, Rockstar officially confirmed that we would see the first trailer come December as it marked the 25th anniversary month of the company. However, no date was revealed at the time.

This morning, Rockstar announced that the first trailer will debut on Tuesday, December 5, 2023 at 9 AM eastern time.

The post on X has already been liked over half a million times in less than an hour, and the full trailer will most likely break view records. We also have no clue on what will be shown in the trailer. The last major trailer Rockstar released for Read Dead Redemption 2 had two trailers initially. The first one was a brief clip almost, while the second revealed the gameplay and the much loved “snow footprint graphics” we all instantly fell in love with.

There have been plenty of rumors about the game in the ten plus years we have had to wait. Currently, the most recent is two playable protagonists (one male, one female) in much covered Bonnie and Clyde type setup. It may also be returning to Vice City with a map approximately three times larger than that of GTA V. Of course, none of this is known as Rockstar has a reputation for being one of the most secure developers in the industry.

The good news is we only have 4 days left to go until the most anticipated video game of this century is officially debuted to the world. Are you ready?