All romance options in Fae Farm ranked from worst to best

Phoenix Labs
Phoenix Labs /
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Phoenix Labs
Phoenix Labs /

5. Nhamashal

Don’t do this to yourself. Sure, dude makes green and purple work which is rare. But he’s such a priiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick.

Nhamashal is the kind of people you need in your life if your passive aggressive mother left your life and you can’t survive without that feeling that maybe things were going “TOO” well for you and you need someone to ruin it.

The dude is a toxic bummer who likes to walk around a struggling human town while talking about how much better he has it at home.

Phoenix Labs
Phoenix Labs /

4. Galan

Listen, I kinda understand. He’s got that bod that screams that you can have a relationship with him while also catching up on everything you wanna binge. And something about his outfit and wings make it look like he’s a fantastic spoon in bed whether it be big or little.

But you need to understand that your shows do not exist on this island and this dude spends most of his day sitting with his back turned to an open mine door filled with monsters while laboring away at the same sand castle over and over again.

He’s probably benefit from having someone in his life but are you really going to settle like this?