Ships play a major role in Starfield. In order to explore the hundreds of planets that Starfield has to offer, you are going to need to invest in at least one ship. Without the use of ships, Starfield would be unplayable. You can sell ships, you can steal ships, and you can even build your own ship if you would like. The bottom line is that ships are crucial throughout your Starfield journey, and the best part is that you aren’t limited to just one ship.

How many ships are you able to own at once in Starfield?
As I mentioned before, you aren’t limited to just one ship. After all, that would be kind of a buzzkill. However, you are only limited to using one ship at a time. If you were able to use more than one ship at a time, there would be a serious issue taking place that you are in more than one place at one time.
The max number of ships that you can own at one time is 10. That may seem like a lot of ships, but Starfield is home to many more ships than that, making your choice of what 10 ships you want to own even tougher.
Out of the 10 ships that you own, one of them will be your “Home Ship.” The Home Ship is the one that you are using to fly around in and the one that your crew is aboard. At any time, you have the option to change your Home Ship and assign another ship in your collection as the Home Ship.
How do you increase your Starfield ship inventory?
If you are looking to purchase an upgrade or add more than 10 ships to your inventory, you are going to sadly be mistaken. There is no such upgrade or way to increase your ship inventory. However, there is a slight loophole on how to acquire more than 10 ships.
If you are already at 10 ships and you are given a ship as a reward from certain Quests, you will be able to keep the extra ship and boost the number of ships you own to 11. This is great, but there is a downside to this as well. If you ever are looking to purchase a new ship or steal a ship to add it to your collection, you will now have to get rid of two ships instead of only one to bring the number down to 9 from 11.
The other thing that PC Starfield players can do is to wait and see what mods are released to increase ship inventory size. If there are mods out there that support that feature, that is another option that PC gamers can use as well. As everyone knows, Bethesda are huge advocates of supporting mods in their video games. With all the hundreds and hundreds of mods going to be created for Starfield, I am sure that someone is already working on releasing ship mods.