5 beginner’s tips for a smooth trip through Fae Farm

Phoenix Labs
Phoenix Labs
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Fae Farm is an absolutely fantastic farm sim with a million things to do. You can craft, tend to animals, get into relationships with your fellow island mates, farm fruit and veggies, loom and sew clothing, sell things in the market, and that’s BEFORE you start entering dungeons and embark on a magic tall of spells and dark clouds.

There’s so much to do with a fixed amount of time during the day. Especially if you’re like me and have a hard time doing anything on the island before you’ve watered your fields and fed your livestock. So how do we do this? How can we live that farm life while also moving along in the story? I got you.

5. Upgrade your tools

This one sounds obvious but people tend to sleep on this after the copper quest. When you upgrade your tools with iron you can actually do special things using some of your magic bar.

You can charge up the pick-axe to crush a couple things rapidly. You can charge up the watering can to water a 3×3 grid at once. Even the magic wand can be upgraded for things that can help.

The vortex spell, for example, can be used to harvest a massive amount of your crops all at once which is fantastic on a rainy day when you come out and find your crops are good to go.

Upgrading your stuff will allow you to farm better.