Armored Core 6 Evangelion NERV Emblem Share ID

Bandai Namco / FromSoftware
Bandai Namco / FromSoftware

Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon’s customization is truly deep and mecha fans have wasted no time adding some Neon Genesis Evangelion customization to the game.

FromSoftware’s latest entry in the AC franchise, Fires of Rubicon, launched Aug. 25 and players have been enjoying the fast-paced, exciting gameplay. Part of what’s been making the game so addictive early on is the deep customization from weapons to visual looks. Reddit user Ookami-95 has already created a NERV organization emblem for AC6 players to download now thanks to the sharing system.

u/Ookami-95 on Reddit
u/Ookami-95 on Reddit

Armored Core 6 Evangelion NERV Emblem Share ID

Posted on the Armored Core Reddit, here are the Share IDs for both images:

  • Image 1 – RTRZ9MWATAU5
  • Image 2 – MQ0781Z7Y6YQ

It’s important to note that, as discussed in the thread’s comments, these codes are for PC only. Players have been unhappy with the lack of cross-functionality for Share IDs. Players are unable to use these codes on Xbox or PlayStation. It remains to be seen if Bandai Namco and FromSoftware will add this feature in a later update, but it’s important to keep an eye out for what platform any Share ID is attributed to.

How to Download Armored Core 6 Share ID

Players can add uploaded Decals to their AC units by following the steps below:

  1. Make sure the Decal you want to get is Uploaded to the game’s servers
  2. Find the Share Id
  3. Go to Garage and select AC Design
  4. Go to Image Editor
  5. Head to the Downloaded tab and enter the 12-character Share ID

Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon is available now on PlayStation, Xbox and PC via Steam.