Diablo IV: Everything you need to know about the battle pass


Diablo IV will introduce a battle pass for the first time when Season of the Malignant (Season 1) launches this week on July 20. It will include a bunch of new options,  and we’ll take you through all the info below.

The entire battle pass will consist of 90 levels, but only the first 27 are available for free to everyone. These will include gameplay items, boosts, Smoldering Ashes and other gear to upgrade your character. The Premium battle pass will cost $10 and grant you access to the other 63 levels.

These levels will include cosmetic items ONLY and not include any pay to play items or character boosts.  The items you get from this version are as follows :

  1. Cold iron armor set for every class  – base and awoken versions
  2. Warden mustang mount – base and awoken.
  3. Cold iron Barding mount armor – base and awoken.

You can also upgrade to the accelerated battle pass to get you 20tier skips and the “On the Warpath” emote. This will cost you $24.99 or 2800 platinum. Now, if you don’t care about the tiers skips then don’t bother because $25 for an emote is clearly not worth it.

However, it’s important to know that you buy the battle pass with platinum. It will cost $10 or 1,000 platinum. You also will earn 1,000 platinum if you complete the battle pass. So, you’ll get your money back in platinum with your net return being of course any cosmetics you’ve earned.

Since the pass does offer boosts, you WILL NOT be able to speed this up by buying tiers. You can only get boosts by leveling up, so no pay to win with the pass. However, Blizzard is doing something that people don’t like with the pass and earning it for the following seasons.

Games like Apex and Fortnite allow you to earn enough currency in their paid versions in order to buy the pass the following season. Diablo 4, however, will not. Instead, you will be able to put any earned platinum to reduce the overall cost next season. As you can tell from the below replies, people aren’t exactly thrilled about this move.

It’s a fair complaint, to be honest, and hopefully, Blizzard switches gears on this in the future. There’s still time. After all, even if you don’t care about the cosmetics, allowing us to buy the pass with what we’ve earned would help us for future seasons and any additional content.

We’ll have to wait and see, but for now, we have just over a week to go for Season 1 on July 20. What class are you going to pick? Let us know