7 Most Exciting Video Game Releases Coming in Q3 2023

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2023 is already off to a strong start in terms of video game releases including Diablo IV, Final Fantasy XVI, Resident Evil 4 Remake and Street Fighter 6.

Q3 is well underway and there’s more titles coming out in July, August and September that video game fans can’t wait to get their hands on. Some are new entries in popular franchises, others include new journeys from fan-favorite developers. If you thought 2023 was slowing down with big releases, you were wrong.

Here are the seven most exciting game releases coming in Q3 2023.

1. Starfield – Sept. 6 – Xbox Series X|S, PC


Starfield is one of the most anticipated video game releases in quite some time, and that’s saying something considering some of the aforementioned titles released in 2023 so far. Fans of Bethesda’s Fallout and The Elder Scrolls series’ can’t wait to explore new worlds in Starfield. It’s one of the most ambitious games and Xbox even dedicated extensive time during its showcase to unveil new details. This new sci-fi RPG is at the top of Q3 releases, and arguably for some the top release of the year.