Destiny 2: Season of the Deep Dungeon release date and start time


Destiny 2’s Season of the Deep went live yesterday, introducing a slew of new content into the game. From a new Season Pass to new quests to new weapons and gear, there’s a lot for players to dive into. But there’s one major piece of content that hasn’t arrived yet. That would be Destiny 2’s newest Dungeon.

For those unfamiliar, Dungeons are endgame activities in Destiny 2 that offer players a Raid-like experience but on a smaller scale. Rather than Fireteams consisting of six Guardians, Dungeons are playable with up to only three players. They are also shorter than Raids but offer a similar experience in terms of unique mechanics and difficult boss battles.

With Season of the Deep comes a brand new dungeon. Here’s what we know about it so far.

Destiny 2 Season of the Deep Dungeon Release Date and Start Time

According to Bungie, Season of the Deep’s Dungeon will open on Friday, May 26 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific / 1:00 p.m. Eastern. You’ll be able to enter the dungeon through the Director once it opens.

How to unlock Season of the Deep’s Dungeon

Unfortunately, to unlock the new Dungeon, you’ll need the Lightfall Dungeon Key. The Lightfall Dungeon Key is yet another paid pass that’s actually separate from the Season Pass.  Purchasing the Lightfall Dungeon Key not only provides you access to this upcoming Dungeon but also the one that’s set to arrive in Season 23.

In the past, Dungeon Keys have cost 2,000 Silver, or roughly $20. However, if you purchased Destiny 2: Lightfall + Annual Pass then you’ll already have access to both Dungeons upon release, no extra purchase necessary.

What is the Season 21 Dungeon Power Level requirement?

Bungie hasn’t announced the Power Level requirement for the Season 21 Dungeon, although there are predictions that it could be set anywhere from the Powerful Cap of 1800 to the Pinnacle Cap of 1810. Although we don’t know the power levels, we do know that each dungeon will provide its own Exotic weapon and collection of rewards to earn.