Link and Zelda’s next adventure comes in the form of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. The sequel to Breath of the Wild is going to be amazing and what makes the video game even more amazing is when you can get powerful weapons to help make the long journey a lot easier. Wooden Sticks and Tree Branches are great and all, but having something much more powerful like the iconic Master Sword is definitely something you are going to want to try and acquire as soon as you can.

Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – How to get the Master Sword
If you are wondering where the Master Sword is actually located in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, it is actually located high up in the sky. To be more specific, the Master Sword is stuck inside the head of the white dragon flying over the Great Sky Island. If you made it on top of the white dragon, you will most likely have noticed that Link doesn’t quite have the stamina to pull the Master Sword free.
For starters, you are going to need two rings of stamina at the minimum. This is perhaps the most important requirement for acquiring the Master Sword. If you don’t have two rings of stamina, it won’t even be worth trying to get the Master Sword.
To begin, open up the map and locate the Drenan Highlands Chasm. Pin this location and make your way to it. Once you have arrived, jump into the depths of the Chasm. You will notice that as you make your way further and further down into the Chasm that it is very dark. You should consider using your Brightbloom Seeds and Arrows.
At the bottom of the Drenan Highlands Chasm, you will be tasked with two different paths. The left path is a whole lot faster, but you will need heat resistant armor in order to make it through the entire path. The right path will take you a lot more time to get through, but it is also a lot easier with not as many dangers. The choice of path you want to take is up to you. It doesn’t matter which path you decide to embark on.
You will want to make your way throughout the Chasm underground. You should see a bunch of a red slimy substance on the ground along with a bunch of enemies trying to kill you. Once all the enemies are defeated, Phantom Ganon will appear, and it is your job to try and defeat this boss. Luckily, Phantom Ganon isn’t the most difficult boss to defeat. However, due to all the different enemies that you are going to be encountering throughout the Drenan Highlands Chasm, you are going to want to prepare to make sure you have enough weapons in your arsenal to kill all these foes.
To get out of this area you are going to want to head to the Runes and ascend into the Korok Forest. You will ascend right in the center of Korok Forest right by the Great Deku Tree. Head inside the forest and there will be another Chasm that leads you all the way back down to basically where you just came from.
At the bottom you are going to be attacked once again by tons of enemies and when they are defeated a second time, you are going to have to face off against Phantom Ganon a second time. Now that Phantom Ganon has been defeated for the second time, you can return to the Deku Tree in Korok Forest and speak to him.
By doing all of this, you should now have a marker on your map on where the Master Sword is exactly located. You know that it is in the head of the white dragon, but the dragon is constantly flying through the air. You will most likely have to use a Skyview Tower to soar through the air and make it on top of the dragon.
When you make it on top of the dragon, head on over to its head (no pun intended) and go ahead and yank the Master Sword out of his skull. If you don’t have the required two rings of stamina, the dragon is going to throw you right off and send you fall back down to the ground below. If you do have at least two stamina bars, you will be able to grab it no problem. Once you have successfully yanked the Master Sword out of the white dragon’s skull, the Master Sword will be yours forever in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
There are a ton of different areas to explore and items to collect in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and the Master Sword is one that should not be overlooked.