Nintendo Switch Online: Alisia Dragoon Cheat Codes for Sega Genesis
Despite its remarkably bizarre name, Alisia Dragoon is an absolutely wonderful unique game that first popped up on Sega Systems in 1992. While not rich in story, it features two really cool and unique mechanics that make this game unlike many others.
First, Alisia’s weapon is to summon lightning. It homes in on the closest enemy as well. It seems like it would be incredibly easy to tear through the game with this but there’s a meter. The longer you hold down the button the weaker the blast.
If you haven’t attacked for a while and the meter is full, you’ll do a full-screen hit that can one hit kill a lot of enemies. But at the weakest levels, it’s borderline the equivalent of shuffling your socks around on the carpet before touching someone.
The other unique aspect are the pets. You have four that you can switch between at any time. A dragon, raven, will o’ wisp, and of course, a boomerang lizard. Each one follows behind you and can be leveled up over the course of the game making their own unique attacks more powerful.
Despite being a fully fledged lightning caster whilst also having a menagerie of attack beasts, the game is still remarkably tricky thanks to constant enemies that show up before you or your fantastic beast has any idea what to do. Luckily, we got some good ol’ cheat codes to help.
Remember though, these are for the Nintendo Switch so if you’re playing on something else you’re going to have to attempt to translate these button presses. Also, Alisia Dragoon’s codes require the usage of a second controller so you either need to use two single joy-cons or two controllers. This also means that if you’re playing on a Nintendo Switch Lite…no codes for you.
IMPORTANT: Before you enter ANY code:
You need to let the game know you’re planning on entering codes and in this game that means you have to enter a precode. To do that, which you need to do before any of the codes themselves do the following:
- Press and hold Y from when the SEGA logo appears to when the Game Arts logo disappears.
- Hold B until Gainax disappears.
- Hold C until Music Compromised disappears.
- Hold start when the stars come out of the crystal.
From here you just need to do the following to activate the next series of codes:
Stage Warps
Enter the following on CONTROLLER TWO to go to the following stages:
- Stage 1
- Press A, when the screen goes to black, press A
- Stage 2
- Press A, when the screen goes to black, press B
- Stage 3
- Press A, when the screen goes to black, press B + A
- Stage 4
- Press A, when the screen goes to black, press Y
- Stage 5
- Press A, when the screen goes to black, press Y + A
- Stage 6
- Press A, when the screen goes to black, press Y + B
- Stage 7
- Press A, when the screen goes to black, press Y + B + A
- Stage 8
- Press A, when the screen goes to black, press +
- Next level
- Press A, when the screen goes to black simply wait
Increase Pet Level
- Press Y on Controller Two, when the screen goes to black press Right on Controller One, and B on Controller Two
Increase Lightning Level
- Press Y on Controller Two, when the screen goes to black press Left on Controller One, and B on Controller Two
Increase Health Gauge
- Press Y on Controller Two, when the screen goes to black press Up on Controller One, and B on Controller Two
- Press Y on Controller Two, when the screen goes to black press the Monster Select button on Controller One, and B on Controller Two