Now before you get all excited, Virtua Fighter 2 is the Sega Genesis port of the arcade game from 1994. It’s side-scrolling and, as it’s on a 16-bit system, not three-dimensional so…don’t go into this hoping for a lot. But it is definitely one of the easiest fighting games to pick up and play because the Genesis version lacked EVERYTHING. Special moves and combos were all practically non-existent on this port, meaning anyone can pick up a controller and hold their own as you just need to know how to punch and kick.
If you’re a die-hard Virtua Fighter fan and you want to explore every corner of every bit of Virtua Fighter’s reach, however, we have some codes that will make exploring this game a lot less of a chore. Oh, and keep in mind that these codes are for the Nintendo Switch. If you’re playing it on the Genesis you’re going to have to do some translating of buttons but you got this.
Options+ Menu
There’s a few extra options hidden away in the options menu. To access them simply:
- In the Options menu, hover over EXIT and press Left 10 times until you hear a noise. After that hit Left again to enter the new Options menu that allows you to pick the first stage as well as hide meters.
Extra Character Selection Time
If you need more time to pick from the whopping eight characters in the game, you’re in luck. While at the character selection screen:
- Press Down, Up, Right, Y + Left to get 99 seconds of choosing time.
Alt Costumes
If there’s a different costume you want your character to wear either hold Up or Down while selecting your character with Y or B.
No Damage
In the options menu there’s an option that allows you to pick how much health you have. Simply:
- Hover over P1’s Health option and Hold B. Then keep going to the left until the No Damage option appears. Boom, you’re invincible.
Play as Dural
In the options menu either hover over Akira if you’re Player One or Jackie if you’re Player Two and hit left and right back and forth until eventually you see Dural. There you go.