ToeJam + Earl is one of the first times in my life I ever played a game that genuinely felt DIFFERENT. The very moment you start off you know you’re not playing something you’ve played a million versions, for better or for worse. And while the game is a unique experience with fun pixel art and interesting enemy and stage design, it’s also a massive pain in the butt to get through sometimes.
Luckily, there are cheat codes like crazy for this game so let’s get to cheating.
And remember, should you want cheat codes for the other games on Nintendo Switch Online’s Genesis Channel look no further than our ever growing list of cheats here!
And remember, these are based off the Switch codes, if you’re looking for Genesis codes for the original system you might be thrown off by the buttons and the new experiences you’re going to have in the futurist world of 202X.
All but one ship piece:
To acquire all of your missing ship pieces save for the very last one, do the following:
Pause the game and enter the following button combinations:
- Up + Y + B + A
- Right + Y
- Down + B
- Left + A
Now unpause the game and you’ll have all but one ship piece in your invention. Falling off the stage to the next world below will have the last piece on it regardless of what world you’re currently on.
Present Island
You’ll need one of the following items to get here:
- Rocketskates
- Inner-tube
- Icarus Wings
Head to the top right of the map on level 1 and you’ll find a small item with a lot of items to take.
Trixie’s Island
When you’ve returned to your planet at the end of the game, head to the far southeast of the map to find a little island with the mermaid Trixie just hanging out.
Level 0
Towards the southwest of Level 1 you’ll find a small hole in the stage. Falling through that will take you to the very small Level 0. There you’ll find a lemonade vendor who’ll grant you an extra life and some hula girls in a hot tub. You can either use an item to reach this place, or, the easiest way is to just fall off the lower left of Level 2 and you’ll go straight there.
Gifts from Santa
If you encounter Santa on a map, sneak up behind him. If you’re successful and get to him before he notices you or vanishes all together he’ll reward you with a wide variety of different random gifts.
That’s it for ToeJam + Earl. Good luck and remember to hit up the link here to see cheats for the other Sega Genesis games!