If you’re looking to test out some of Fallout 76‘s upcoming features early, you might be wondering how to join the Public Test Server (PTS). Here’s how.
What is a Public Test Server?
The Public Test Server is a common occurrence across live-service games. While each game might call them something different (Public Test Realm in World of Warcraft), they usually all serve a similar purpose. They’re used to test new features, be it weapons, skills or other alterations, before they’re rolled out across the Live Server.
The server is almost identical to live ones, though players will be more likely to encounter bugs, glitches and other mishaps. It’s for testing, after all. Player counts are usually lower across a PTS, too. So while the PTS has a few downsides, being able to test out upcoming mechanics and features is a huge plus for a lot of players.
How to play Fallout 76 Public Test Server
Bethesda are opening the doors to the Public Test Server ahead of the Once in a Blue Moon Update, featuring new quests, new cryptids, new rewards, Daily Ops additions and more. To access the features ahead of their live roll-out players will need to do the following:
All Fallout 76 players who own a copy of the game on Steam will automatically see the Public Test Server appear in their library. Once you’re in game and need to report an issue, head over to the #server-roles section of the Official Bethesda Discord to get the PTS role.
Players can also provide feedback and reports to us through the Support Portal.
Progress made in the PTS will not carry over into the live game and the Atomic Shop will remain offline.