Do I need ESO Plus to play Arcanist in Elder Scrolls Online?


The Elder Scrolls Online is gearing up to drop a new class, the Arcanist, as part of its latest expansion. But do you need an ESO Plus subscription in order to play it?

The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) features a variety of classes to choose from, such as Dragonknight, Sorcerer, Nightblade, Templar, Warden and Necromancer. The latter of the two are available to play as part of the Morrowind Chapter and Elsweyr Chapter, respectively. Alternatively, they can be bought as class upgrades in the Crown Store.

But a new class is being introduced as part of the MMO’s latest expansion, Necrom. The Arcanist class is, according to the game’s official website, a “master the secrets and forbidden knowledge of Apocrypha”. Players will be capable of “destructive, restorative, or defensive magic by channeling arcane energies, ancient runes, and lost tomes of power”.

Those that have played ESO for a long time will no doubt be anxious to test out the brand new class for themselves. But for newer players, who could be unsure of what’s included in the base game and what isn’t, might be wondering if they’ll need an ESO Plus subscription to play as an Arcanist.

Do I need ESO Plus to play Arcanist in Elder Scrolls Online?


In short, no. Players will not need an ESO Plus subscription to play as an Arcanist class character in The Elder Scrolls Online, but they will need to purchase the Necrom expansion.

ESO Plus, the game’s premium subscription service, offers players a number of benefits. The biggest is access to all previous expansions, but not the most recent. At the time of writing, the latest released expansion is High Isle and is therefore not included as part of ESO Plus. The same will likely occur for Necrom. Even ESO Plus subscribers will need to purchase the latest expansion in order to enjoy its content.

Players do not need to purchase an ESO Plus subscription to play the base game. After purchasing The Elder Scrolls Online base game, players can still enjoy a huge amount of content for no additional costs or subscriptions.