The CMA has revealed today that six more companies have announced their full and unwavering support of the Microsoft / Activision Blizzard King acquisition merger.
Five of the six companies were redacted names with the final studio being 4J studios. The CEO Chris van der Kuyl stated in his response: “We do not see the proposed acquisition of Activision Blizzard as anything other than a natural evolution of the industry and it does not give us any cause for concern for our own future opportunities“.
The five remaining companies’ responses can be read here. Both Sony and Microsoft also issued responses to the findings. In Sony’s response, which can be found here, the reasonings behind it unfortunately hold little to no water at all. Regardless of one’s stance on the issue, the reasons Sony is providing (by their own words) are how it would impact them rather than consumers. The issue with this is that the CMA’s job is for consumers, not companies, and therefore Sony is providing no real or tangible reasons against the merger other than they simply don’t want it. Of course in Microsoft’s response (here), they point out two very important aspects:
- Microsoft is not trying to hold Call of Duty hostage despite Sony’s assertion. As they have pointed out, they have now signed four deals for all of the games including Call of Duty once the merger goes through. In addition, Sony is turning down deals from Microsoft that would provide their players Call of Duty via PS Plus just as it would be to Game Pass players on Xbox.
- Microsoft has pointed out that the games that Microsoft would keep exclusive, as is their right, is exactly what Sony has done to their games including Call of Duty (as is Sony’s right). Exclusive titles such as God of War, Spider-Man, Call of Duty timed skins, game modes, Destiny 2 exclusive deals, Hogwarts Legacy exclusive missions and more. Not only does Microsoft point out they have been in support of this by Sony, but that Sony is falsely accusing Microsoft of doing what Sony has been doing themselves (without objection from Microsoft).
Of course, Activision Blizzard themselves also responded to the CMA findings. As has been the case, they are in full support of the merger (Remember, they approached Microsoft for the matter).
Court cases should begin soon with dates set for this coming late Spring and Summer. We will definitely hear more soon as this is an extremely fluid situation and we’ll update you as we hear.