KFC has made a wild announcement this morning. All you have to do is order one of their Double Down sandwiches and you will get guaranteed access to the closed beta next weekend. If you’ve never had this sandwich, it’s worth the plunge.
The Double Down is a burger-like sandwich except the buns have been replaced with chicken patties, essentially “doubling down” as buns. The inside of the sandwich is simply melted cheese and bacon. It’s one of the most delicious creations ever invented, and worth the taste without this promotion alone.
The Diablo 4 closed beta runs next weekend from March 17 – March 19. The open beta will follow the next weekend from March 24 – March 26. Even though all five classes will be available in the open beta, the closed beta will feature only three of them. It’s a good chance to get into the game early, and you don’t have to do much of anything in order to get in other than order a sandwich. I mean, a guy’s got to eat, right?
Buff up your game play #DiabloIV Beta Access now available with purchase of a Double Down via the KFC app or on https://t.co/LRobd1LxIL
— KFC (@kfc) March 9, 2023
Good luck heroes pic.twitter.com/M7nS5TvRp2
Diablo 4 is releasing in June in full, and this beta a full three months before should give Activision plenty of time to fine-tune the game before release. Seeing as most betas are about a month prior, you can tell that Activision is taking care to make sure all goes off well with release. It’s not surprising with all the controversy surrounding the mobile title Diablo Immortal, which will also be coming to PC in June. If you plan on playing it on PC, be sure to check out the recommended specs as well. Are you going to take the plunge and go all in on the Double Down? Let us know below.