Hear-ye, hear-ye! It’s finally here! That’s right, the much maligned developer CD Projekt Red’s next-gen update for the Witcher 3 is finally here this week. Even if you’ve been bad this year, it looks like everyone is getting a pretty nice gift for Christmas.
After delays, bad press, and another game that needed a whole lot of work, The Witcher 3, one of the best video games of last generation and perhaps one of the best of all time is finally getting its next-gen update with 4k resolution and 60 frames-per-second and more. It’s a thing of beauty, and is making me go back to playing it for probably the 5th time. The Verge has stated, “Geralt is a changed man at 60 fps.”
You’re probably wondering: Bryan, how can I experience this masterpiece? How much is it going to cost me? What’s in the package? Don’t worry fam, I got you covered.
The Witcher 3 next-gen update can only be experienced on next-generation consoles such as the Xbox Series X and the PlayStation 5. You’d be forgiven for thinking those are current generation, but there’s still a hefty amount of people still holding their DualShock 4 controllers and playing Xbox One. On PC, you will also experience a boost in performance.
The best part? It’s free. The next-gen update is a love letter to fans of the game, as well as a good faith move by CD Projekt Red that not only are they still committed to their vision of free DLC, but that they’re still capable of delivering a quality product to their fans.
There are two modes in the next-gen patch (and that’s what this is, the game hasn’t been rebuilt from the ground up): performance mode prioritizing frame rate; and graphics mode which prioritizes things like ray-tracing. You’ll likely get a great experience regardless of your preference, but 60 fps is what a game like the Witcher has been needing for some time.
But wait, there’s more.
It’s not all pixels and frames in the update. CD Projekt Red has also added new missions and content related to the television show, so you’re not just rehashing the game, but find some new things to do as well.
You can play The Witcher 3 in all its newfound glory today on Xbox Series X/S at 7pm EST, and PlayStation 5 at midnight.