Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: How to unlock 5 and 6-Star Raids

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How to unlock 6-Star Raids

If you thought 5-Star Raids were pretty tough, just wait until you try and take on a 6-Star Raid. Unlocking a 6-Star Raid is going to be a lot more difficult, but once again worth it to try and take one of these Tera Raids down.

Once you have been crowned Champion of the Paldea region, you will need to go back and rematch with all eight gyms. You’ll notice these gyms have gotten increasingly difficult and you can expect to find some of them as high as level 73. By completing these rematches with the eight other gyms, you can then take part in a tournament that is called the Academy Ace Tournament which is located back at the University. The Academy Ace Tournament will consist of a series of four matches against very difficult opponents.

Once you have completed the Academy Ace Tournament, you are very close to unlocking 6-Star Raids. You are so close that you only have one thing left to accomplish and that would be to host your own 5-Star Raids. Continue to host 5-Star Raids until you receive a call from Jacq once again. This time his phone call is to let you know that you can now and try and conquer 6-Star Raids, the most difficult challenge Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will be throwing your way.

The rewards for completing a 6-Star Raid are going to be even greater than the rewards you would receive from a 5-Star Raid. Rewards you can hope to be granted are Herba Mystica, Rare Candy, Exp Candy, and even Golden Bottle Caps.

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If you have yet to complete the main campaign, then neither of the 5-Star and 6-Star Raids are possible to take part in. However, once you get past the main campaign, just know that there are so many other things you can try and accomplish, and the game is very far from being over.