Sonic Frontiers: How to unlock fast travel


Sonic Frontiers is the Blue Blur’s first foray into an open world. The game is set in Starfall Islands. As Sonic solves puzzles and completes challenges, new parts of the map are opened up. While Sonic does boast incredible speed and has the ability to grind rails, running back and forth — even with super speed — can be a bit of a nuisance.

The good news is that Sonic Frontiers does have a fast travel system. But unlocking it is a bit of a repetitive grind, and can be kind of confusing if you don’t know what you’re doing.

How to unlock fast travel in Sonic Frontiers

There are actually two forms of fast travel in Sonic Frontiers.

One option is to use Koco scrolls. This is probably your fastest option when beginning the game. As you explore Starfall Islands, you’ll come across Purple Coins. These are used for fishing — specifically when you want to play Big the Cat’s fishing mini-game.

When exploring the map look for Purple Portals. This is where you can access Fishing Spots. Once inside the Portal, head to the Fishing Spot and you’ll get a fishing rod. While you can catch many types of rewards, you’ll specifically want to catch Koco Scrolls. The two scrolls can be given to Hermit Koco and Elder Koco. Once you give these scrolls to the two NPCs, you’ll unlock their fast travel feature. Any Hermit or Koco will be a fast travel point on the map screen.

The second option requires a bit more time. Each individual zone features its own fast travel system. However, to unlock a zone’s fast travel capability, you must unlock the portals within that zone. Portals are ancient statues that require portal gear to activate. Inside them are cyberspace stages with their own challenges that reward players with vault keys.

You can also use these portals as fast travel points, but first, you must reveal 100% of the zone map they are in. To do this, you must complete various challenges and puzzles scattered around that zone. Once you’ve completed 100% of the zone’s open-world challenges, you’ll unlock the ability to fast travel using the portals in that area.