Modern Warfare 2 XP glitch: Level up weapons quickly with Ground War tank

Activision Blizzard
Activision Blizzard

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has just been released and players are on the hunt of making their presence in the game. Players are trying hard to unlock new weapons, but along the way have discovered a new glitch that allows them to unlock weapons more quickly and easily.

As it is been just a few days since the release of the game and the glitch is not widely known, players can make great use of it during these initial days. Some of us can try to unlock and upgrade as many as weapons possible from the 51 weapons in Modern Warfare 2.

How to level up Modern Warfare 2 weapons quickly using a glitch

(NOTE: To use this Glitch, one must have a minimum Level 4 for the Custom Loadouts. The given glitch only works in Ground War.)

First create a new class in the “Weapons” tab and add the weapon you want to level up to the max. You can slot the weapon in either the Primary or Secondary slot.

Now, select Ground War as the multiplayer game mode from the Main Menu of Modern Warfare 2 and start a new game. Again, this glich only works in the Ground War game mode.

Prior to spawning, select the loadout with the weapon you want to level up. Just after the spawning, be the first one to get into Light Tank or an APC (armored personnel carrier) vehicle.

Be sure to have a weapon equipped when entering the Light Tank or APC (armored personnel carrier) vehicle. Failing to do this will result in the failure of the glitch.

Now, every kill you get using a light tank or APC vehicle and the XP earned will automatically be added to the weapon’s level.

According to reports, every objective you capture while in the vehicle will get you 250 XP, while every kill adds another 100 XP.

When will the glitch in Modern Warfare 2 be fixed?

This is clearly a glitch as getting kills or achieving objectives in a vehicle is not supposed to count towards your weapon’s XP. But so far Infinity Ward has not addressed this. It’s possible they could patch it out in an upcoming update, but for now take advantage of it as you can.