Clash Royale October 2022 balance changes detailed


The latest balance changes for Clash Royale have arrived. These changes bring some nerfs to some of the more popular, stronger cards such as Cannon, Royal Hogs and Mighty Miner, while buffing Elixir Golem and Spear Goblins. The Barbarian Hut has also gotten some much-needed love.

Let’s check out the balance changes in the October 2022 update for Clash Royale below.

Goblin Gang

  • Spear Goblins count: 2 -> 3

As Goblin Gang has been near the bottom for quite a while, adding additional Spear Goblin, which was removed years ago, should help give them some extra help.

Elixir Golem

  • +15% attack speed in all forms

I honestly thought the Elixir Golem was in a good place following its rework, which gave you elixir for killing the Golem in all its forms. But I guess Supercell feels it’s still a bit underpowered, so they are increasing the Hit Speed of all three forms (Elixir Golem, Elixir Golemite and Elixir Bob).


  • -8% hitpoints

Cannon Cart

  • -8% hitpoints when in destroyed form

If you’ve been watching some of the higher-leveled players, you’ve probably seen them using Cannon in their decks.  It’s low cost and high durability makes it a very popular defensive unit. So Supercell is lowering the hitpoints for the Cannon, which also impacts the Cannon Cart when it’s destroyed.

Royal Hogs

  • -60% slower first hit

I absolutely hate facing Royal Hogs. And lately, they’ve become quite powerful in the meta. Unless you play them perfectly, they are going to get a hit on your Crown Tower, so the nerf delays their first hit by a bit, giving you slightly more time to react.

Mighty Miner

  • -8% hitpoints

Mighty Miner has finally found his way into some meta decks and he’s a bit too strong now.


  • -7% hitpoints

This nerf is in reaction to decks that have utilized the Mortar with Skeleton King — a meta that has gained in popularity and strength in recent decks. I’ve always felt Mortar was an annoying card to face because of its health, so knocking the hitpoints down a bit should make it more easily destroyable.

Barbarian Hut

  • Elixir Cost reduced from 7 -> 6
  • Spawn Speed increased from11s -> 15s
  • Spawn Count increased from 2 -> 3
  • Lifetime decreased from 40s -> 30s
  • Spawn on Death decreased from x2 -> x1
  • Total Barbarians spawned decreased from 10 -> 8

Supercell doesn’t seem to be fans of the “spawner meta” (Barb Hut, Goblin Hut, Furnace, Tombstone), but they recognize that Barbarian Hut is in a really bad place. There are lots of changes here that aim to change how the Barbarian Hut is utilized in decks. By decreasing its lifetime, spawn speed and total Barb count but increasing the number that spawns at a time, the Barbarian Hut becomes more of an aggressive play rather than a defensive one.

That’s all the changes in the October update for Clash Royale. These are now live in the game.