Potential Eeveelutions for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

YOKOHAMA, JAPAN - AUGUST 08: Performers dressed as Eevee, a character from the Pokémon media franchise managed by The Pokémon Company, march during the Pikachu Outbreak event at night on August 8, 2019 in Yokohama, Japan. A total of 2,000 Pikachus appear at the city's landmarks in the Minato Mirai area aiming to attract visitors and tourists to the city. The event will be held through August 12. (Photo by Tomohiro Ohsumi/Getty Images)
YOKOHAMA, JAPAN - AUGUST 08: Performers dressed as Eevee, a character from the Pokémon media franchise managed by The Pokémon Company, march during the Pikachu Outbreak event at night on August 8, 2019 in Yokohama, Japan. A total of 2,000 Pikachus appear at the city's landmarks in the Minato Mirai area aiming to attract visitors and tourists to the city. The event will be held through August 12. (Photo by Tomohiro Ohsumi/Getty Images)
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How to get a Sylveon in Pokemon GO: 3 methods detailed
(Photo by Tomohiro Ohsumi/Getty Images)


I went through a lot to find this particular one. Not because I think Bug-type Eeveelutions would be impossible but frankly because there are so many exceptional ones. But none take the cake better than Australian cosplayer @Will_O_Wisps on Twitter’s bee-esque Eeveelution known as Hunneon. Look at it.


Amazing. First off, it still absolutely looks like Eevee, something a lot of fan art swings away from. The abdomen at the end, while looking like Eevee’s tail, is also about the same shape as a bee’s abdominal area that holds the stinger. And, as bumblebees have thick tufts of fuzz that gather pollen, it works here because this gives Hunneon that trademark Eevee chest tuft. and, honestly, it’s cute as hell. Extra points for giving it an extra set of limbs while allowing it to still look like a four-legged being.


This one was SUPER tough but not for the same reason that the bug type was tough. There are SO many dragon-type concepts for Eevee and a LOT of them are insane. They either look as closely related to an Eevee as I my car does, or it’s just a Vaporeon someone drew wings and a horn on. So finding a good one took me a hot minute. But I found one through artist Goldmouse.

I’m not sure how I feel about the name but it can call itself whatever it wants when it looks this cool. See, if Eevee is going to be dragon-esque it NEEDS to be a Chinese dragon. It just has the body type for it. No chonky British dragons need apply.

It’s honestly so wonderful. The scales on the nose, the antler-like horns, the long whiskers, everything here just FLOWS. It has this sense of movement to its design that makes it look like it’s doing you a favor by staying still long enough for you to appreciate it.


Oh boy, this one is crazy. How do you take something adorable like Eevee and give it a form that just stresses its wanting to fight? Well, as about 80% of all artists who came up with an idea for this will tell you, step one, name it Champeon. And you know what? They’re right. I can’t even be mad at that. In fact, if Game Freak creates a fighting-type Eeveelution and DOESN’T take advantage of that beautiful wordplay, they’re insane.

But one Champeon stood out to me over all the rest. And that belongs to the excellent illustrator SailorJubs.


While its ribbons do feel a bit Slyveon-like, they also give me a feel for something like Ryu’s headband in Street Fighter. And the stuff around the eyes gives me some luchador vibes. But the best part is those ears that look like they hear a major butt-whooping coming up. When this Champeon’s ears perk up, someone’s going down. SailorJubs’s Champeon is simply luchadorable.