Eeveelutions. The wonderful thing happens when the adorable fox Pokemon, Eevee, chooses an element and evolves into a new type. Whether that be the merfox, Vaporeon; Jolteon, which looks like Eevee took inspiration from the electric Gremlin from Gremlins 2; Slyveon, the fairy-type evolution that is covered in ribbons; or Umbreon, everyone’s favorite adorable edge lord. I just now got the name Umbreon after all these years, damn it.
Anyways, despite Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Slyveon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, and Glaceon all giving Eevee a record eight evolutions, it still leaves 9 types left:
- Bug
- Dragon
- Fighting
- Flying
- Ghost
- Ground
- Poison
- Rock
- Steel
And, if you wanna include a Normal type evolution into some uber-Eevee, that’s 10.
But it’s been a hot minute since a new Eeveelution was introduced, with Slyveon coming way back in Gen 6. So where’s the next one? Turns out, there’s no good answer yet other than, simply, they haven’t done it yet.
A popular fan theory is that the other elemental types would create Eevees that go outside the realm of a cute, four-legged fox and would look out of place and that’s why Game Freak won’t do it.
In this regard, I’d like to remind people that when they wanted a flying type Pikachu, they slapped balloons on the poor guy. Also, let us not forget that Vaporeon can not only make its body literally boil, but can also melt away into liquid. Something which I feel does NOT get explored nearly enough, in fact at all, in any of the related media outside the Pokedex.
Honestly, I believe that all the Eeveelutions of all types can be equally worthy of the Eevee title, and though I am not skilled in art enough to design them myself, I am skilled enough in Google to find people who are. So I’ve culminated the best concept fanart I could find of each of the various types to talk about why I love it.
I’ll see you over on the next page.