The Last of Us Part 1, a remake of Naughty Dog’s critically-acclaimed post-apocalyptic adventure, is out today on PlayStation 5. Unfortunately, it comes with the hefty current-gen price tag of $70.
That’s quite a bit to spend for a game that many of us have already played once, or maybe twice before. The Last of Us first released for PlayStation 3 back in 2013. A remastered version was then released a year later on PlayStation 4.
Despite the next-gen technology of the PS4 at the time, it still wasn’t what Naughty Dog had originally envisioned for the game. Enter this PlayStation 5 remaster.
The Last of Us Part 1 has been completely rebuilt from the ground up for the Playstation 5 to take advantage of the console’s hardware. From a story standpoint, it’s a faithful remake with all the same emotional storytelling as the original, only now you can experience it with modernized gameplay mechanics, advanced visual fidelity and improved controls (including expanded accessibility options).
Imagine you hadn’t already played it on the PS4 or PS3, this should feel like a completely new game, released for the first time on PlayStation 5. But the point is, it has been previously released… twice.
So if you already purchased The Last of Us on a prior console, do you get some sort of upgrade path from the PS3 and PS4 versions of the game to the PS5 remake?
Can you upgrade from PS3 and PS4 version of The Last of Us Part 1 to the PS5 Remake for free?
Unfortunately, the answer is no. If you want to play this game on PS5, you’re going to have to fork over the full $69.99.
Now if you were younger at the time of the game’s first release and never got a chance to play it, then I definitely recommend diving in to what is one of PlayStation’s best games ever. Even if you only played it on PS3 and PS4, the visual improvements alone may be worth the price. Just don’t expect any sort of discounted upgrade.