There is no shortage of collectibles when it comes to The Quarry. Before you really get into the meat and potatoes of the game, you are greeted with a Prologue that isn’t going to take you too long to complete.
If you are looking to get every collectible in that The Quarry has to offer, you will have to first collect all of them from the Prologue. There is a total of five various collectibles from the Prologue that you can collect. There is one Tarot Card, three Freakshow Fire Clues, and one Camp History Clue.
Tarot Card (The Fool)
Find The Fool Tarot Card is actually really easy and all you have to do is make sure you go down the right path, literally. The muddy path that Laura finds herself on has two options. You can either to choose to go down the left path or to go down the right path. If you choose to go down the left path, you will find your first collectible that you are able to acquire in The Quarry. As soon as you begin to go down the left path, the Tarot Card will make itself known and you can acquire it.
Freakshow Fire Clue (Harum Scarum Poster)
Once you get The Fool Tarot Card, you are next in line to get the Harum Scarum Poster. Continue to follow that left path and when you reach the end of the very short path, make a hard right turn to where you will see a very prominent tree trunk. The poster will be stapled to the tree trunk so all you need to do is go up to the tree and interact with it to acquire the poster.
Freakshow Fire Clue (Escapology Trunk)
From where you found the Harum Scarum Poster, continue to follow the path until it splits again. You are once again going to want to take the left path and follow the left path until you can’t anymore. On the ground, you will find a chest. Open the chest and the Escapology Trunk Clue will be unlocked and acquired.
Freakshow Fire Clue (Broken Cage)
If you can’t tell by this point, one clue is slowly leading to another. So, leave the dead end and go down the right path now. As you go down the right path, hug the right side of the path and it immediately leads into another branch of pathing on the right side that will lead you right to the Broken Cage Clue.
Camp History Clue (Bloodied Collar)
The last collectible that you will find in The Quarry’s Prologue is the Bloodied Collar Camp History Clue. Eventually, during the Prologue, Laura will arrive at the Storm Shelter at Hackett’s Quarry. Laura insists that there is a person stuck in the Storm Shelter, so Laura and Max decide to unlock it and do a little investigating. As you explore the Storm Shelter with Laura, she will come across the Bloodied Collar with the name Ian written on it.
If you’ve gotten the previous four collectibles in the Prologue and come across this Bloodied Collar, you have officially gotten all five collectibles that the Prologue has to offer you. As I said, The Quarry has no shortages of collectibles for gamers to discover. This is only the beginning of your quest to collect every collectible in The Quarry.