Elden Ring: All seven secret painting locations and rewards

Bandai Namco
Bandai Namco
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5. Champion’s Song Painting

The Champion’s Song painting is located in the Shaded Castle. It is easiest to start from the Shaded Castle Ramparts Site of Grace. Go northeast from this Site of Grace and you will see a broken-down wall and a pit with a poison substance in it. You should also see a set of wooden stairs here as well. The painting is located up this flight of stairs.

The solution for this painting can be found in the Altus Plateau at the Rampartside Path Site of Grace. If you go southwest of the Site of Grace, you will see a cliff. Head up to this area where the Ancient Dragon Lansseax appears, and the ghost of the artist will appear near the edge of the cliff. The painter will drop you a Harp Bow.

6. Flightless Bird Painting

The Flightless Bird Painting is an easy painting for you to find. The Flightless Bird Painting is located on the first floor of the Fortified Manor in Leyndell, Royal Capital. It is located in the same room as the Fortified Manor First Floor Site of Grace. Once you have found the painting, you are ready to go and find the artist behind the painting.

If you head to the Windmill Heights Site of Grace and go southeast, you will find the painter on a cliff left of the shack at the end of the road. The painter will drop you the Incantation, Fire’s Deadly Sin. When you use the Fire’s Deadly Sin Incantation it will not only set the area around you on fire, but it also sets the person using the Incantation on fire as well. Any enemies in the surrounding area will feel the burn of these deadly flames. Elden Ring doesn’t have its shortages of Incantations so why not add another one to your collection.