Elden Ring: Tips and tricks to help you get started

Bandai Namco
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Elden Ring - Site of Lost Grace
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3. Craft, Craft, Craft

Crafting may very well become your best friend in Elden Ring. Do not be afraid to pick up materials. Materials are found scattered throughout the world; things like plants, bones, meats, etc. can all be collected.

All of these materials are sued to craft items and thus improve most builds or provide items to assist you in combat. Crafting is not going to make or break your playthrough in Elden Ring, but it can’t hurt it in any way either. These materials are offered to you in wide variety so ultimately take what is being given to you.

4. Level up your character and upgrade your gear

Unless you plan on doing an Elden Ring speed run, there is no need to rush your gameplay. Chances are this is your first time playing through Elden Ring and a speed run would typically be very hard for a game players know little about. With that being said, take the time out to level up your character and upgrade your gear.

Simply put, the better weapons and gear you acquire and the higher your overall level/attributes, the easier the game will feel. Obviously as you progress further into the game you will get better weapons and gear which can sometimes make it seem like it isn’t worth it to upgrade your current gear, but it doesn’t hurt. Upgraded weapons and gear are going to make battles a lot easier and make the beginning part of Elden Ring easier to get through.

Speaking of upgrades, if you have the chance to upgrade your healing flask, I would upgrade it as soon as you possibly can. You need some pretty rare items in order to upgrade the healing flask, but if you are able to find the necessary items needed to upgrade the flask, it will help out not only your early Elden Ring gameplay, but the later part of your gameplay as well.

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All of these tips are some of the basics that will help you get your started on Elden Ring journey. Every player likes to dive into new games in many different ways and use different techniques, but you can’t go wrong with following some basic tips and tricks to get you started off on the right foot. If you haven’t gotten the chance to play Elden Ring yet, a whole journey awaits on your way to become to Elden Lord.